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The Darkness Within

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Map Info

"It all ends here!"

CrundeeCraft has been a running series for nearly a year (maybe more) and has proved to be quite the trending topic... Who knew messing with each other all the time would prove to be so hilarious? After roughly 50 episodes, SSundee and MrCrainer decided to end it all with a huge final troll... Little did they know they were to be the victims...

Driven by greed, our wonderful Neo and Epic decided to sell the innocent trollers' locations to the demon of evil that is "The Darkness!" This evil demon decided to give them a chance... Could they learn to be friends again? Could the mental damage done by trolling be repaired? He decided to test their bonds...

The Darkness designed five trials to test their bonds. The challenges were designed to test their ability to resist troll temptation, be honest with each other, come to a common consensus on disagreements, work together, and to have each other's backs. But for good measure, he decided to force them into it by kidnapping the heroes' beloved!

Will the heroes survive? Will they succumb to the darkness deep within their hearts? Find out!

Thanks and Credits

Map by EpicElite3 & NeoMc
Play in Minecraft 1.9.4 | 2 Player Map

  • Special thanks to TheRedstoneScientistfor allowing us to use his cutscene generator! YouTube
  • Thanks to YoDawg for letting us use his "Lakeshore" build!
  • Thanks to waterced1 for use of their "Trophy" model! Model Site
  • Special thanks to IJAMinecraft for usage of his "Demon Wither Skull" texture!YouTube
  • Thanks to zori3d for letting us include his weapon textures in the map! YouTube


This map is for 2 players only.

There is a resource pack loaded into the map and should get loaded when you load the map. However if you wish to get the resource pack, it is available in the download folder.


If filming for YouTube or another video site, you MUST put this in your video credits (copy and paste)!

Map by EpicElite3 & NeoMc
Download the Map:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2


2016-07-08 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: EpicElite3/NeoMc
(109 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.9.4
File Size: 31 MB
Date Added: 2016-07-08
Downloads: 20,759
Map Category: Game Maps

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