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Prep N Fight

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Welcome to Prep N Fight! A two-player Custom PvP Map made for 1.9 where the goal is to prepare yourself in separate cabins for a set amount of time, then fight in an arena!

You can craft weapons, shields and armor using the materials found in chests in those separate cabins that are designed to look like prison cells!

You can also meet one of your fellow prisoner friends, Frederic, who has been there for quite a while and... well, got a bit zombified by now.

Use the Villager

Since you cannot place or break blocks in Adventure Mode, there is a Villager in the cabins that will trade you crafting tables, enchantment tables, brewing stands, etc. for versions that can be placed on stone bricks.

Make sure you use him otherwise you won't be able to craft anything!Also, if you misplace something, the villager has a pickaxe and an axe to trade for you to fix the problem.

Set the length of the Preparation time

At the beginning of each game, you have the option to set the length of the Preparation time. There are 5 options: 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7.5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 20 minutes.

While preparing, there is a timer on the right side of the screen that both players can see. The longer the preparation time is, the more options you have: in my experience, if you have 10 or more minutes, you can brew potions, craft tipped arrows, and maybe even decide which enchantment should be best for you.

At 20 minutes, you can get the best enchantments, make the best potions, etc. Make sure you have your bow ready when you get teleported to the arena, to be able to immediately shoot your opponent.

Map Makers

Atricos: Redstone & Spawn building
Aracno087: Arena & Prison cells



2016-06-25 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Atricos/Aracno
(112 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.9.2
File Size: 394 KB
Date Added: 2016-06-25
Downloads: 10,798
Map Category: PVP Maps

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