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Command Info

Check out the Command Tutorial to find out what the command adds in-game.

This command will add four jumpscares that you can use to troll your friends in various ways.

The first jumpscare is Herobrine. When a player walks near it, Herobrine will appear out of nowhere and make loud noises, spawning minions as well after he leaves. The second jumpscare is the mutated pig. This will appear to be an average pig to most people, but when someone walks nearby lightning will strike and the pig will become mutated!

The third jumpscare is the evil clown. Like the others, when a player walks nearby the jumpscare will initiate. A clown will appear out of nowhere that has an evil laugh and will drop TNT that seems like it is going to explode, but doesn't. The final thing that this command adds is the Slenderman jumpscare. When placed, a piece of paper will lie on the ground, and when picked up Slenderman will appear with a very loud noise and will instantly kill you when he disappears.

Make sure to use the resource pack here!

Give this resource pack to your friends to troll them!

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Youtubers, Please:

  • Leave a link to my YouTube Channel.
  • Say my name (ItsZender) at least once in the video.
  • Enjoy the command!


2016-07-05 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: ItsZender
(159 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.10
File Size: 27 KB
Date Added: 2016-07-05
Downloads: 7,404
Map Category: Custom Commands

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