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Map Maker Trivia 2

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Welcome to my map! This is a 1.9.4 trivia map! I hope that you enjoy playing this!

You have played lots of trivia maps in the past. Some were about Minecraft, some were about various video games, and others featured famous YouTubers that you might have heard of at some point.

Now we bring you a trivia map that focuses on the makers of Minecraft maps! You may or may not know them, but you likely have seen their work in one form or another.

This trivia map features a number of different map makers, ranging from large and very well-known people to smaller lesser-known artists.

You can find the previous map here.

Settings & Additional Info

  • Adventure Mode.
  • Play on any 1.9 release or pre-release, though 1.9.4 is best recommended.
  • Thank you to all map makers who agreed to be featured in this map! All map sections were used with the creator's permission!
  • While there are only a handful of featured map makers here, this is dedicated to all map makers who have put in countless hours over the years to bring everyone some fun!
  • There is a resource pack with this map. It is embedded in the world save and ideally should work with no problem. But if for whatever reason it is not working, then there is a separate zip in the download with the resources.
  • At the end of the map there will be a room containing every skull featured in the map. If the person has a YouTube channel, you will be able to access it there! If they have a section of a map featured in this map, then the link to their map will be also be accessible there!
  • This map should be infinitely replayable once you complete it the first time! Try to beat your first score!

Please let me know if something does not work correctly on the map!

I will try to fix it as quickly as possible!


If you make a playthrough for YouTube of this, you must put in the description of your video the link to this page as well as a link to my YouTube channel! That way everyone can enjoy it!

Creative Commons License

Map Maker Trivia 2 by Unlikely Waffle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



2016-05-27 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Unlikely Waffle
(26 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.9.4
File Size: 3.5 MB
Date Added: 2016-05-27
Downloads: 1,963
Map Category: Trivia Maps

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Site Stats

Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

Downloads: 123,367,169