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Don't Touch the Spikes

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Don't Hit The Spikes is the Minecraft game recreation of the popular mobile game, where you have to avoid the spikes while reaching the highest score you're able to get.

You are a bird, and you move to the left or to the right. Onto the walls are spikes, if you touch them you will die.

If you haven't touched a spike and touched the wall, you will succeed and fly to the other wall.

To jump, just right-click the game and the bird will fly up.

If you don't jump, you will obviously fall.

The spikes will randomly appear at each wall, every time you do not touch a spike and successfully touch a wall.

This map is also multiplayer compatible and you can see all your friend's scores to your right, including yours,

So you can compete against your friends for the best score!

Made by Redstone Bacon & TheSpellBook.


2016-04-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Redstone Bacon
(65 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.9.2
File Size: 430 KB
Date Added: 2016-04-28
Downloads: 4,405
Map Category: Game Maps

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