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Build-off Parkour

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In this multiplayer competitive parkour map you take turns either trying to complete a route or adding blocks to it. The first one to complete the route wins - but be careful, you only have 3 attempts.

Features a custom command block setup that enforces the game rules, and more than 20 custom arenas. The arena for the game is selected randomly at the start of the game.

The objective of the game is to construct and complete a parkour course between three redstone lamps. Each turn of the game, you will be given two snowballs. Use the one that represents the option you want - Add blocks, or attempt course. When adding blocks you get to place three new blocks into the course. When attempting the course, all blocks except the lamps and whatever the players have placed will disappear!

This minigame, known from Minecraft Realms has now been updated to work with Minecraft 1.9!

The game works for 2 or more players - recommended is 2 to 4.



2016-02-29 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: slicedlime
(102 votes)
Map Version: v1.5
Minecraft Version: 1.9
File Size: 646.15 KB
Date Added: 2016-02-29
Downloads: 5,987
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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Categories: 25

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