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45 Seconds Maze

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Welcome to 45 Seconds Maze

This is a unique map that you have never seen before. You have 45 Seconds to complete each of the 15 mazes before you die and need to retry.

Play this map strategically to be able to finish it. A timer has been added for you to challenge your friends or try and beat my score.

Every time you die 10 seconds will be additioned to your actual time... think before jumping :)


Don't forget to Challenge your friends to beat your time .. It is more fun that way.

Like all my maps this is dedicated to the Pack as Preston suggested this idea, however anyone is free to give it a try.

As always play as you wish but it is always more fun without cheating, and more challenging.

Hope you like this map, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.

Thanks for downloading, Kobe Games.

My YouTube Channel


2016-02-17 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Kobe Games
(67 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8
File Size: 415.94 KB
Date Added: 2016-02-17
Downloads: 2,906
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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