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SnowBOMB Wars

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Map Info:
SnowBOMB Wars is where 2 teams, Red Team and Blue Team, go head to head in the 'battle of the century'. Each team have to eliminate the opposing team using their SnowBOMBs by destroying the terrain or using the explosive power to damage opponent. Last team standing WINS.

3 Classes:
Default Class
Receive no upgrades

2x SnowBOMB Class
Receive SnowBOMB twice as fast

Armor Class
Receive a full set of gold armor

Minimum number of players per team: 2
Recommended number of players per team: 1-8

1. Play on Minecraft Version 1.8.8, other versions may not work!
2. After every game, the arena will reset. During this period of time, your game may lag. The reset may take from 10 seconds to 1 minute.
3. DO NOT start a game with less than 1 player per team. The map will glitch out.
4. Have your render distance to at least 12 chunks. Otherwise, the map may not reset properly.

If you have any comments or find bugs please let me know in the comments section of the page and I will get to you as soon as I can.

If you post a let's play of this map on YouTube, feel free to comment the link to the video below and I will check it out!

Check out my YouTube Channel.


2016-01-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: EpicElite3
(96 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
File Size: 764.64 KB
Date Added: 2016-01-28
Downloads: 7,015
Map Category: PVP Maps

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