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World Expansion

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Map Info:
World Expansion is a void world survival map in which the world will slowly generate around you. Pieces from regular survival worlds are being randomly placed into your world, with no sign of stopping. Blocks, animals, mobs, dungeons and even creepers halfway through exploding can appear! Survive in a world that is constantly expanding, providing infinite possibilities for unique worlds! You can even enjoy a custom and very unique ender dragon boss battle! 

The map is capable of generating mini structures that can contain chests, spawners and ores. The map will also generate almost every mob in game as well as a majority of the blocks in minecraft! Please also note that the Nether has been disabled for this map, so you will be unable to light a portal. 

It is recommended that you use a render distance of at least 16 chunks when playing this map. The world will not generate when it is out of render distance, so it is best to keep it rendered. The map is multiplayer compatible, so you can play with friends if you choose! If you play on multiplayer, be sure to enable command blocks in the server properties file.

If you enjoyed my map, please give it a rating! =) It only takes a few seconds. If you do make a video about this map, please put this page in the description.


2016-01-25 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: JUSTCAMH
(633 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
File Size: 1.09 KB
Date Added: 2016-01-25
Downloads: 35,904
Map Category: Survival Maps

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