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Multi-Colored Parkour

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Map Info:
This is a small Parkour Course with blocks of colored wool in this order; Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. There is 5 Rounds, each round preceding the next. The game difficulty is meant for Peaceful, so no Mobs and Hunger get in your way. Although there is water at the bottom of the course, Feather Falling Boots and Instant Health II potions are provided.

This map is meant for, but is not limited to, Single Player. If you are playing with your friends, there is a Dispenser with extra Feather Falling Boots by the rules list.

When you complete a Round, a button (With Command Block) takes you to the next round. When you get to the next round, make sure to press the button that says "Set Spawnpoint", which will be important if you die. There are Buttons at the beginning of each round that allow you to make the time to Day, Turn off Rain (If naturally raining), and to Change the game difficulty to Peaceful.

There are a lot of Pistons involved in the map, making it more difficult. I did implement ONE cheat in a round, but I'm not saying which specific one. The cheat allows you to cut about 6 blocks. After you complete all 5 Waves:

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2013-01-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Sean081799
(24 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
File Size: 2.2 MB
Date Added: 2013-01-06
Downloads: 30,935
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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Categories: 25

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