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Scramble is a game based weakly on an old idea I had back in the day! In Scramble, the idea is to take the messed-up word you see up on the board and reorder it correctly on the gold board in front of you! You are awarded points equal to how much time was left in the round!

There are a total of 255 possible puzzles that can be generated from the system, each of which ranges in difficulty, character length, and concept. Can you guess them all?

Scramble comes with 5 different themes! There is a Pokemon theme, Food theme, Animals theme, Christmas theme, and Minecraft theme! Each features 255 different possible puzzles included! Plenty of fun for everyone!

I may in the near future ask good old Masteroreo77 to help finish a tool that would allow you to create a text document with 255 lines of text (no more than 15 letters/spaces per line) and import it into a "special custom" map setup. We may even make it possible to easily share these documents here on the site! Let me know what you think at my Twitter @NeoMcCreations!

Map by NeoMc!
Please consider checking me out on either YouTube or Twitter!

Cite Credits:
If filming for YouTube or another video site, you MUST put this in your video credits (copy and paste)!

Map by NeoMc
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2015-12-21 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: NeoMc
(40 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
File Size: 1.5 MB
Date Added: 2015-12-21
Downloads: 5,211
Map Category: Game Maps

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