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Snowflake Dropper

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Map Trailer

Map Info:
This map is part of the Map Advent Calendar. A special holiday event comprising 24 maps, one everyday until Christmas.

Everyone knows how to play dropper! But in Snowflake Dropper, things are a little different! Instead of landing in the water, you are landing on a target. And instead of surviving, you must focus on points!

Each color closer to the center of the target grants you more points! If you land in the bulls eye, you get six points. You receive one less point for each ring around the first. Landing on the giant random snowflake gets you no points!

Play alone or with friends for the highest score! The game even calculates averages!

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Map by NeoMc (
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Map by NeoMc!
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2015-12-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: NeoMc
(127 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
File Size:
Date Added: 2015-12-06
Downloads: 10,991
Map Category: Dropper Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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