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Dream Parkour!

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Map Info:
Hello! Welcome to Dream Parkour map! This map is for 2-3 players. It features long and different parkours. You can race with your friends or just do the parkour. There are 3 different colors; Green, Yellow and Red. Red is the leader, when he/she pulls the lever, the doors open and the race will start.

This map was made by Kinqie and MamiHD. And also, SirPowder helped us to test it.

Important - Spawnpoint Bug:
We tested it 10-20 times. And we found one bug. If you die 2-10 times, you can spawn back in lobby. We don't know what can we do to fix it... Because of this, you should do spawnpoint with commands (/spawnpoint). We were worked 5 hours for it. This is really hard to do but we love our job!

This parkour map's main idea is, a child, who is sleeping. He sees his friends in race. And at the finish line, our child sees impossible things in real life... and he sees his home. When he enters his home, he hears a sound. WAKE UP!

Thanks for downloading our map! (If you download it of course :D)

This map was built by Team Phoenix.

Note: This map was built for 1.7+, it should work fine on 1.8+ as well though.


2015-08-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Kinqie, MamiHD
(19 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
File Size: 918 KB
Date Added: 2015-08-06
Downloads: 24,325
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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