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Space Stuck

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Map Info:
You're stuck in space. No, you haven't escaped earth's gravity, nor you are unable to return. None of this: simply, your thumb can't move from the space bar, because, in this map, if you stop to jump, you DIE!

But this isn't that bad: even if, at the beginning, it will be tough, you will discover that it can be actually easier to jump continuously; at the end, you will master new techniques and improve your parkour skills!


  • 15 levels divided in 3 worlds, each more difficult than the previous
  • A secret final level, unlockable by finding three secret objects
  • World Marathon: play an entire world without stopping
  • Map Marathon: play all the levels without a break
  • Special Effects: particles bridges, portals and more
  • Multiplayer friendly!

Pmk's seal of approval:

My parkour maps are tested to their fullest: each sequence of jumps you have to do, I have done multiple times. There're no impossible jump and each one is thoroughly thought in relation to the others.

Who I am:

I'm a mapmaker, redstoner youtuber and minecraft expert. In everything I do, I try to reach the best artistic level I can achieve and to help the others achieving the same.

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2015-07-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: PmkExpert external
(5 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.7
File Size: 2.1 MB
Date Added: 2015-07-28
Downloads: 4,615
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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Categories: 25

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