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Solar Speed

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Map Info:
Solar Speed is an intermediate single-player speed run map with frequent checkpoints and a timer to keep track of how long it takes you to finish. This is the sequel to Lunar Speed.


  • Frequent checkpoints
  • A timer
  • Block Effects
  • A unique course that can take place in lunar time or solar time

Before You Play:

  • Make sure you are on 1.8.1
  • If you're playing on a server, turn command blocks on
  • Make sure the command blocks are working by trying to go into gamemode 1. If you stay in gamemode 2, the command blocks are working. Another way to test is by pushing any of the buttons in the spawn room. If they don't do anything, the command blocks are not working.

Block Effects:

  • Sea Lanterns- Set your checkpoint
  • Iron Blocks- Gives you speed boost x1
  • Packed Ice- Gives you speed boost x3
  • Gold Blocks- Gives you speed boost x6
  • Diamond Blocks- Give you speed boost x15
  • Emerald Blocks- Teleports you down by 30 blocks
  • White Stained Clay- Starts timer (You will probably not see this block)
  • Quartz Blocks- Stops Timer


  • All jumps are 100% possible.
  • This map is the sequel to Lunar Speed.
  • There is a bug at the end of the course to stop the timer. Occasionally it will tell you that you have beaten the course, however, the timer will keep running. I haven't figured out how to fix this yet, and the way to stop the timer is to keep jumping until it stops.
  • This is a speed run map, however, you may need to take your time on certain parts rather than rushing through it.

YouTube Rules:

  • If you record on this map, please challenge other Youtubers to beat your time.
  • You are allowed 3 attempts at the course. The first attempt is to get a feel for the map, and the next two are to get a good time.
  • Please state that ShockingShots made this map and leave a link to this page in the description of your video.

Big shoutout to all of the amazing youtubers that have played any of my previous maps. I only picked 7 to shoutout in this map, however, the next map will have more youtubers in it.


2015-03-01 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: ShockingShots
(5 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.1
File Size: 556 KB
Date Added: 2015-03-01
Downloads: 18,479
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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