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Tate Worlds: The Pool of London

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Tate Worlds are exciting Minecraft maps that present virtual environments inspired by artworks from the Tate gallery’s collection.

Players can explore a range of paintings and sculpture, undertaking various activities and challenges that relate to the themes or stories behind the artworks.

Tate has teamed up with some of Minecraft's best known mapmakers to create these virtual artworks, offering a unique combination of art, history and adventure.

Tate Worlds: The Pool of London

Explore London along the Thames as Fauvist painter André Derain did in 1906. Taking inspiration from Derain’s painting of The Pool of London, a section of the river Thames where ships unloaded cargo and goods were traded, discover historical landmarks in a brightly coloured world, like the painting itself.

Starting at London Bridge, visit historic sites such as The Tower of London; climb The Queen’s Pipe chimney at St Katherine’s Dock; and descend into the forgotten river Neckinger that runs beneath the city whilst you search for the pigments Monsieur Derain used in his paintings.

Additional Info

Tate Worlds is a collaboration between Tate galleries, London and The Common People: Adam Clarke, Lead Artist and Producer, with Map maker: Dragnoz and Minecraft builders: Kupo, Featherblade and Tewkesape.

If you've enjoyed this map, try out Tate Worlds: Soul of the Soulless City & Tate Worlds: The Toy Shop as well!

Completed the map? Take part in the Tate Worlds Twitter Challenge!


2015-02-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Tate
(177 votes)
Map Version: v1.3.1
Minecraft Version: 1.8.1
File Size: 15 MB
Date Added: 2015-02-06
Downloads: 41,618
Map Category: Educational Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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