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Hologram Parkour

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Map Info:
Hologram Parkour is possibly the most challenging form of parkour, where you must look at the template, then jump to the next block, without seeing it.

The map will keep track of how many seconds it has taken you, and how many deaths you have, (So it is speed-run-able!)

How to Play:

  1. Once you start the game, you will be in the parkour course, but you will notice, there are no blocks to jump on!
  2. Simply, look to the left, to see an exact replica of the course, but you can see it.
  3. Then, by looking at the visible parkour, try to judge where the blocks are for the invisible one!


2014-12-14 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: MrGarretto
(59 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8
File Size: 783 KB
Date Added: 2014-12-14
Downloads: 36,749
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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