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Roomscape: No End

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Map Info

Everything has an end... Unless there is none.

This map is based around infinity. There are 20 more rooms to escape. Or is there? After you escape 20, you will begin to realise that it truly is infinite.

Each room is similar to the previous room, however different at the same time.

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The Roomscape Series


2014-11-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Karott2000
(28 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8
File Size: 394 KB
Date Added: 2014-11-28
Downloads: 72,388
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

Comments (31)
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i love all maps but this one is bad
roomscape player
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How Do I Get Out Of The 2nd Room? There is a trapped chest and it does nothing. I VERY confused
By alshfik

open it, then quickly look behind
Billy Whizz
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WTF?! Not only it's bugged and I can't get past the room with the anvil, even if I enter the correct text, I can't even change the gamemode to break the door!!! Where's the downvote button?
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I need help with the two wholes in the room showing to the exact same room you were in.
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I can't get past the 2nd room with the trapped chest and the sign saying "Welcome to Roomscape". Help please!
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I can't get past the red dye and fish level does anyone know how to do it.
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How Do I Get Out Of The 2nd Room? There is a trapped chest and it does nothing. I VERY confused
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I really don't understand the rose and fish thing. I kept spamming the two buttons until I got a certain amount of fish and rose and a message appeared saying "There is a beginning, but no end. You must go back before you come too far". How do I pass that level without cheating?
By Anonymous

You don't use the fish nor the red dye in any of the levels of this map, hope it helped.

PS It is a reference to something.
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How do u get past the room with the bricks?
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what do I do with the red dye and the fish?

have a stack of each, tried to throw them on the pressureplates, nothing works, and cant change gamemode so I'm stuck
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I can't get past level 3, I don't know how to get out of a room with nothing
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Beautiful, once again. Thank you.
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what to do with the trap chest?
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If I go too fast in the map it will bug out causing me to not be able to do what I need to do to progress. Like I was playing and then when I had to go to the previous room with the 2 pressure plates, I did and it didn't open the door. Please either fix or tell me whats wrong!
By TOGC Melon

You have to constently run back and forthe between them! :D It will open!
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I really like the map and I know how to finish the red dye and the fish first, go back to the presure plates and actavate them both and the door will open I hope it work for u guys :DD
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I have a feeling it just loops you, but I could be wrong.
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im confused on the second level. i know that its a trapped chest, but it isn't working :(
confused dude
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I found out why no one can do level 18, even with the right answer. A paper that is named the second time has a different value than a paper named the first time. The hopper filter uses papers named the first time, and only those will work. I found the answer and tried it with renamed papers, but it did not work. I repeated with first time named papers and it worked! Hope that helps you beat this!
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I really don't understand the rose and fish thing. I kept spamming the two buttons until I got a certain amount of fish and rose and a message appeared saying "There is a beginning, but no end. You must go back before you come too far". How do I pass that level without cheating?
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To all the people that don't understand to rose and the fish thing, look up 'RED HERRING'
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So, I'm really loving the map. But the Rose Fish duo is messing me up. :/
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To All The People Who Said The Map Was Bad Because they couldnt reach the ending: Its called Roomscape: No End...
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If I go too fast in the map it will bug out causing me to not be able to do what I need to do to progress. Like I was playing and then when I had to go to the previous room with the 2 pressure plates, I did and it didn't open the door. Please either fix or tell me whats wrong!
TOGC Melon
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Very cool map in my opinion its awesome puzzles are my type - Emilius2
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what does he mean when infinity is divided?
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i spawned not even close to the course and i cant fly so i cant play, this needs to be fixed BAD
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The map is bad. Every level is random and most are broken or dont make any sense. The ending is also broken, i was not able to open the door without cheating. Oh, and using TMI mod i switched to gm 0, which is the only way i could get to the end.
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Hey i ran through your map and did a walkthrough of it on my channel, i am sorry to say that i was unable to finish it. Its a fantastic map don't get me wrong but i ran into some bugs that halted my progress leading me to have to restart the map several times.
The glitches that occured on my walkthrough seem to be rare as i havent seen them anywhere else(i'm always that lucky guy haha).
If you would like to see what i mean by glitches you can check out the review portion of my walkthrough:

Thanks for putting this map together friend im sure it took a long time to make, it just eventually got to the point where my bad luck with glitches led me to not be able to tell if im doing a puzzle wrong or if the map is glitched, which is what lead me to stop at the room i was at. Ill definitly be checking out your other maps and keep up the good work!
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Great map!!! Would you like to have your map on my map website? if so contact me at Thanks for making great maps!
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How do you get past the room with the infinity sign and two pressure plates?
some guy
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