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Pengi's Alchemy

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Map Info:
Pengi's Alchemy is a game based around using the four basic elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth to create different elements. To win the game, you must discover all of the elements. After you have completed the game, feel free to go into creative mode and check out the mechanics of the game - a lot of work has gone into this, including over 500 command blocks!

To select elements, all you need to do is click the two buttons of the elements you want to combine and it will show you what you have made (if you made anything) in the chat. Chat will need to be enabled to see this.

There are currently 12 elements in the game, 4 of which are already unlocked as the basic elements. The game is only small at the moment, but I wanted to release it and see what people thought before I begin to develop it even further. Currently, more elements are being added into the game.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the map!


2014-08-24 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: pengiboy1999
(5 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.7
File Size: 604 KB
Date Added: 2014-08-24
Downloads: 23,314
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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Categories: 25

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