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Run 2

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Run 3 has now been released!

This is the sequel to Run.

Map Info:
Run 2 is a puzzle map with Fighting, Puzzles, (obviously) and Parkour. A map that was created by Whacknut & ShadowGirlMC.

You thought your job was over, You thought it was all done... but is it actually?

Was Luke really killed by the explosion?

Are all of the zombies gone forever?

The only way to find out is to go full on and TAKE ON THIS MAP!


  • Play on 1.7.5+
  • Play without Mods, Hacks, or anything not vanilla minecraft.
  • This is a multiplayer map. But can only have 1 - 2 Players.
  • No destroying any blocks that I have not said that you can break.
  • Enjoy the map. Created by Whacknut & ShadowGirlMC.

If you do get stuck on the first bit where you're in a military area, just shoot the buttons on the wall with your bow from the chest.


1. (Sjusnow Area) Go down a tunnel on the left side of the machine.

2. (Snow Area) Grab the key in the first bottom box on your right to open the door.

3. (Snow Area) You have to switch the cake lever.

4. (Nuclear Facility) Grab the box to the left of the rails and craft a lever out of the materials.

5. (Street) Grab the 4 parts and throw them in the hoppers at the end of the street.

6. (Zomboiden Boss Fight) Grab the key and put it on the lapis block.

7. (Sewers) Go to the slightly lit water tunnel at the end and swim up it.

8. (Street 2) Destroy the frames and grab the 3 blocks. Go to the hole in the roof and pile yourself up. Then grab the Items inside and destroy the blocks to get down.

9. (Street 2) Use the key to get Into the house with the lava.

10. (Street 2) Use the brewing materials to make a fire resistance potion. Then go through the lava to the other end.

11. (Luke's Volcano) Destroy the glass so you can get out and leapfrog to the tunnel at the end, then jump down the hole. before a minutes up.

12. Go to the end and use the 'Fluffy' Sword to assassainate Luke.

The End.

If you would like to support us, then please visit our YouTube channel - UnicornPoopStudios.


2014-08-10 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Whacknut
(12 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
File Size: 8 MB
Date Added: 2014-08-10
Downloads: 36,342
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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