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Scope Survival 2

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Map Info:
There was Scope Survival. Now it's time for Scope Survival 2! More layers, more possibilities and an 5even more interesting concept - everything is greatly improved.

Gameplay of the map is based mainly on vertical movement and building.

Your survival begins here...


  1. Build cactus farm
  2. Build sugar cane farm
  3. Build tree farm
  4. Build wheat farm
  5. Build pumpkin farm
  6. Build melon farm
  7. Craft snow golem
  8. Build snow generator
  9. Build cobblestone generator
  10. Craft 4 emerald blocks
  11. Build snow house
  12. Build wooden house
  13. Gather all of the ores
  14. Build tree house
  15. Craft enchantment table
  16. Craft brewing stand
  17. Craft iron tool
  18. Build fishing lake
  19. Craft full set of diamond armor
  20. Craft diamond tools
  21. Enchant some of your tools or armor
  22. Brew some potions
  23. Build ladder from the top to the bottom
  24. Build a place for monsters to spawn

Feedback & contact: OneSevenSevenThree [at]


2012-09-23 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Mangekyou
(15 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.3.2
File Size: 203 KB
Date Added: 2012-09-23
Downloads: 50,581
Map Category: Survival Maps

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Categories: 25

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