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Map Info

This map requires exactly two players!

Complete the 9 dimensions in the fastest time possible! Can you do better than PopularMMOs and Crainer?

✧ Multi-Genred:
Portals is a unique twist on your everyday co-op map, because it holds 9 different map types, for example: Find the button, Dropper, Mob Fighting.

✧ Unique Puzzles:
Never seen before puzzles, that will blow your mind. Will you be able to beat the 9 dimensions in the least amount of time?

✧ Cooperative Focus:
Portals is a new take on the cooperative maps you usually see. It has many different playstyles and suit any two players that plays the map, but be aware. Timed cooperative maps can become more exciting if you are aiming for the best time.

✧ Speedrun Friendly:
Portals is timed, which causes it to be less forgiving, and more competitive than your normal cooperative maps. This makes it so you can compete with other pairs all over the world. What will your time be?

This map was beat by MrCrainer & TheaNicka in 17 min and 45 seconds, and by PopularMMOs & SuperGirlyGamer in 21 min and 19 seconds. Can you and your partner beat their times?

PopularMMOs' Video

MrCrainer's Video



2018-06-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Vertex Creations
(149 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 2.1 MB
Date Added: 2018-06-28
Downloads: 36,006
Map Category: Variety Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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