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Hello! Welcome to GLOBE CROOK! This is a custom map, some kind of CTM, with adventures, puzzles, and parkours!

You'll be spawned in a room, where you can click SETUP and this will make all the work for you! Then you're ready to go! Pass trought 10 LEVELS and go to the final one! Please SHOW Support commenting feedback!

Please tell me if you find any bug/improvement or anything! Hope you enjoy! (I don't know what the name means, just came up with something RANDOM!)


You can contact me on DISCORD HERE!

You will spawn in a room where you can click the setup button , which will do all the work for you! Then, you're ready to go!

  • FIRST LEVEL: First level is a boos fight! You'll need to select the difficulty and then fight until you kill the boss. EASY PEASY
  • SECOND LEVEL: Parkour. Who doesn't love PARKOUR. Hope u no rage.
  • THIRD LEVEL: GUESS THE SOUND: In this level you pass trough many rooms , you'll hear a sound, you'll have to guess it , or you're dead!
  • FOURTH LEVEL: In this level, you'll have to pass trough a labyrinth! But it's not that easy , cuz you're being followed by Zomboss ! You need to reach the end of the maze without being killed by Zomboss, with a kit on you're choise.
  • FIFTH LEVEL: In this level you're in a mine. It's a kind of find the button, but more like find the ores, once you've found 6 diamonds, you'' pass to the next level.
  • SIXTH LEVEL: You'll spawn in a dark room. More like a mansion. You need to find the secret code and escape the masion!
  • SEVENTH LEVEL: You'll spawn in a small village. There you need to trade with the villagers, and get the required items to get the EMERALD key and complete the level.
  • EIGHTH LEVEL: You're in NETHER! Find all the hidden buttons and preapare for an EPIC battle!

Please tell me if you find any bugs/improvements! Hope you like the map!



2019-08-17 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Seby689
(46 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
File Size: 10 MB
Date Added: 2019-08-17
Downloads: 2,133
Map Category: Variety Maps

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