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MCGuessr is a map all about famous locations from around the Minecraft universe and beyond. With the magic of VVR (virtual virtual reality) helmets, you'll find yourself in all sorts of places from popular servers to top adventure maps, and test your skills at recognizing them.

Each level is a multiple choice with a single correct answer and 3 wrong answers. Don't go picking random answers though, as you'll be faced with a forfeit challenge if you get too many wrong.

The VVR helmet is the cutting edge of the iron helmet industry. Thanks to them, you can experience the virtual environment of each level from the comfort of the level room itself.

There are 20 standard levels in total. The order you'll play them in is randomised. Explore the map once you're finished. You might just find some secrets hidden about the place.

This map was designed for a single player but may work with multiple players playing in unison.



2019-08-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: PixlPlex
(65 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 8.2 MB
Date Added: 2019-08-03
Downloads: 3,685
Map Category: Trivia Maps

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