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Survival Island Extreme!

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Welcome to Survival Island Extreme! In this map you must complete 20 challenges while surviving on this island!

Around the map, you will also find Structures with loot to help you out with your journey!

The Nether and the End have not been changed so you can gather the resources you need!

If you a Lets Play, Feel free to send me your first episode. I would love to watch it!

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Map Settings & Rules

  • Render Distance - Normal is Recommended
  • Brightness - Bright
  • Optifine is Recommended
  • Play on Normal
  • Don't Cheat Items from Creative



2017-07-23 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: ForgeLogical
(1892 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.11.2
File Size: 7 MB
Date Added: 2017-07-23
Downloads: 44,877
Map Category: Survival Maps

Comments (27)
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So, as it was stated before, this map is basically a bunch of buildings from other mods and people's creations shoved together in a map and labeled "EXTREME". It's pretty badly done; there's missing chunks and lots of holes where things obviously should be. Have you *seen* the wizard castle thing? It cuts through a whole mountain range.
I can't tell if this is trying to be serious or not, because really, all of the challenges are done. There's no challenge. It's a mish-mash of terrible planning.
All in all, this map is pretty terrible and I'm sorry that you couldn't make some original designs. I don't know why this is rated so high.

Constructive criticism is hard to come by, and I thoroughly apologize that I can't get any for you. Here's a couple of tips:
• Try to refrain from using other people's creations. It's plagiarism and not very good to see.
• Make sure your map looks, plays, and feels refurbished. Don't leave giant, gaping holes in places. Make sure everything looks like part of a world and not added into it.
• Be consistent with theming. Adding your (stolen) pirate ships, your (stolen) space ships and (stolen) wild, wild west saloons on a (stolen) survival island looks a bit funny. Make sure to keep one sort of theme, be it normal Minecraft or a pirate expedition.

I didn't enjoy this map because of these reasons. Best of luck to you!
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They got the towers from the battle towers mod, the boats and the underwater mansion are from another dungeoning mod, and I can think of three different maps that the buildings were ripped off of.
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all of the buildings are stolen and world edited in
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/gamerule mobGriefing false
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U can make your own farm and house (what u probably need to do)
By DxvilBxnneh_

It's optional, only if you want to
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I played this and realized i could get iron armor pretty where is the "extreme"part of it.
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Is the challenge book suppose to update or something? If not what is the point of it?
What constitutes a house and a farm?
If the book is suppose to update, why isn't it updating?
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i went into that castle with all the spawners and lost a bunch of stuff from dying and it despawning. it was a while before i realized i lost the challenge book. fml
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This Map was amazing I really enjoy the mansion and all the details put into each house. I had a ton of fun playing I thank you creator for that. Tip for the next map introduce a hidden passage after a painting it would be awsome
with fun
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Played for about 10 mins and i can't lie this is a poorly designed map.
biggest issue is the item spam. There are so many iron+ gear in random chests EVERYWHERE. I have a full set of iron armor+ sword by 3 mins and when i stopped playing i had full enchanted diamond armor+sword. There is way to much loot in extremely easy to reach places, if it was difficult to reach sure good loot is fine but getting full iron armor by looting random wagons right out side of the spawn point? Thats excessive.
2nd issue is the spawn point you spawn outside of the house with the starting gear with everything being taller than you and thus not being able to see anything. This is a poor was to start someone out, it gives no indication that there is a large world to explore it just feels cramped
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site its up on my channel watch it now and also has some questions for the creator
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really good map to play with friends the only problem im seeing that some of the tasks are allready done like building a farm and there is a farm on the map and building a house there are alot of houses other then that is a great map 8/10
By Valdez

U can make your own farm and house (what u probably need to do)
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Really awesome map! check out my lets play here:
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really good map to play with friends the only problem im seeing that some of the tasks are allready done like building a farm and there is a farm on the map and building a house there are alot of houses other then that is a great map 8/10
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You should really be coherent with the theme of the map. It is clear that you've taken buildings out of other maps and haven't integrated them into the map properly (floating buildings, empty chunks, ect). This alone takes out the fun of exploration. Also, it's not even an island, I could see the mainland from where you've removed the chunks. Start with an empty world.
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nice map, really enjoyed it!
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I played this map and here is episode 1:

I am going to continue this map on my channel. Thanks for making this!
MC Duelist
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The description says there are 20 challenges, but I can't find them listed anywhere. What are the challenges?
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the map itself is good but i think its too easy with all the free items that is at the spawn point
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love this map!
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I love this map, seriously. I've been playing on it for hours.
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This map is amazing! THX!
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While I love this map, it looks very nice, I'm having a hard time understanding why you put those space ships there, they for some reason lagged my quite a lot until I destroyed them, and don't match the "Medieval" theme you had going.
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Hey I love this I rate this a 10/10
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where did you get the idea of the towers with the spiders and different levels and also the huge ships, i remember playing a different version of minecraft that held these things, do you know what its called?
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This map is just incredible
I love it i really like it but you should do like more islands :)
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This Map Is Awesome! Now, I'm Not a Youtuber, But I still had Great Fun! Keep Making Awesome Maps!
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