In this Minecraft map you have to fight your way across 5 different waves killing mobs in order to move onto the next wave.
Each wave gets harder and harder the farther you go, requiring more kills to access the next wave. Kill mobs and sell their drops for XP which you can use in the shops to upgrade your weapons armor, and other items to help you kill the hoard lurking out in the cruel world.
Can you survive and see sunlight again? Let's find out, shall we?
- Redstone lamp display board to show what wave you are currently on.
- 5 different waves.
- 2 hidden rooms.
- 3 difficulties.
- Over 500 Command Blocks.
- More buildings.
- Special abilities.
- Easter Eggs.
- This is for 1 player ONLY.
- Have your render distance at 8+ chunks.
- Play with sound on.
- Gamma should be at 1.0
- Shaders are not recommended.
- This map does not work in 1.9.
Let me know if you have any suggestions or ways to make the map better! I am open to any and all suggestions.

2016-06-02 - Map Released.