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Co-Op Complex I & II

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Map Info:
Co-Op Complex I & II contains two classic Minecraft maps, combined into a single world and updated with numerous changes. This is a co-op map for two players only, no more, no less! You and your partner's teamwork will be put to the test as you solve mind-boggling puzzles and fight through combat sections. Communication and cooperation is required!

Co-Op Complex: Approximately 1 hour of playtime

Co-Op Complex II: 3+ Hours of playtime!

WARNING: This map contains harsh language and dark, adult-oriented humor that may be inappropriate for younger players. As such, there are two versions of the map: the regular version, and a clean version, which censors the harsh language and tones down certain dialogue. It is highly recommended that younger players download the clean version, though please be aware that some of the dialogue, particularly in Co-Op Complex II, may still be (im)mature in nature.

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2015-07-16 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Buddyhunter1
(107 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8
File Size: 57 MB
Date Added: 2015-07-16
Downloads: 39,294
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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Maps: 5,942

Categories: 25

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