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In this Parkour map, you wake up in this strange sterile facility, you have no memory of anything that happened before and even who you are. As you proceed, you notice that this facility is full of Parkour and Agility challenges and in these challenges are color-coded blocks with different form-factors depending on their color:

Red: Red cubes are just a single block

Blue: Blue cubes are 3 blocks stacked on eachother, it can be placed either on the wall, floor or ceiling!

Yellow: Yellow cubes are in the form of a staircase of sorts.

Green: Green cubes are in the from of 3 blocks, two are at the same level, and the highest one in the middle.

Light BlueLight Blue cubes are placed within the floor, and teleports anyone standing on it.

Orange: Orange cubes are in the form of a circle of sorts.

Will you be able to escape this strange facility?

P.A.R.K.O.U.R is heavily based on the 2011 hit indie game "Q.U.B.E" in terms of environment, story and gameplay.



2018-12-22 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: PixelPi
(137 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 3.4 MB
Date Added: 2018-12-22
Downloads: 8,051
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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