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How to Format the World Name of Minecraft Maps

How to Format the World Name of Minecraft Maps

Why should you do this?
This is a very simple thing you can do to make your map look much more professional. It can set your map apart from other maps. It can make your map go from looking like this:

to looking like this:

As you can tell, the second one stands out a lot more. Players will be able to spot your map more quickly. Also, it adds a level of detail that makes your map more memorable.

What each part of the world save is:
World name:

This is the name of the world or “LevelName” within the level.dat (this is what we will be changing).

File name:

This is the file name the maps save data is located in (you can change this by renaming the file in the saves folder).


This is the date the map was last played.

Other information:

This is other information about the world such as what gamemode it is in and if cheats are enabled or not.

How to color/format the world name:
Before you get started make sure you have created a Minecraft world. This is done through Minecraft itself: launch Minecraft, click “Singleplayer”, and then click “Create New World”. Once you have a world and you want to add color/format to the world name, then follow the steps below.

1.) Download and install NBTExplorer

2.) Run NBTExplorer. It should look something like this once it is open:

3.) Double click on the file name of your map (or click on the “+”).

4.) Double click on “level.dat”.

5.) Double click on “Data”.

6.) Double click on “LevelName” near the bottom (this is the world name).

7.) Add any formatting codes you want (§). Check the minecraft gamepedia for a complete list of codes and for more information on how formatting codes work in Minecraft.

You can make the world name as long as you want. You can also add multiple formatting codes, just make sure you use the reset code at the end of any formatted text (§r).

8.) Save the changes (Ctrl.+s).

9.) Check Minecraft to see if it looks correct. If done correctly the example above should look like this:

Author Info:
This guide was written by @NateT_Bird for NateT_Bird is a veteran minecraft map maker experienced in making a variety of different maps.

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