Warning! - This game contains flashy imagery and blood! (and jumpscares too) --- Dyemona 2: Labin Story is the sequel to Dyemona. If you haven't played the first map, I highly suggest you play it before playing this map to understand its storyline! (or you can just read the introduction book provided at the beginning of the map)
This game requires combat and puzzle skills as these actions will be needed to progress through the map!
If you're playing the map, record a video and post it in comments. I would love to see your reaction and thoughts!
Note: This map is not multiplayer. This map is designed for single-player only. If you have a slow computer, you might have lagging issues when playing the map. If you find any bugs, please let me know.
Features More than 200 commands! Dyemona Resource Pack already installed when playing the map! (Just hit play!) Full custom username dialogue and communication! No harsh language or wording! Easter eggs! Tons of blood and jump scares! Flowers and nice decorations! (everyone loves them :D)

2019-08-03 - Map Released.