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Blast Off

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Welcome to Blast Off, a game all about tnt and destruction (what everyone loves)!

Pick a kit, select a map, and dive into head-to-head insanity! Use your kit powers to rip apart the map and open holes to the void for unlucky players to fall into! Powerups also spawn around the map, so keep your eyes peeled for beams of light! And if things creep on for too long, prepare for a Deathmatch of raining tnt! The last player left standing at the end wins!

Oh and by the way, nearly all powerups are place and run powerups. In simple terms, don't stick around to find out what happens!

Be sure to download the resource pack here (or just download it from the link sent when you first join the map)!


No server? No problem! Come visit our network to play some of your favorite game maps like Chunk Runner and Blast Off with members of the gaming community!



Especially since this map is a new release, I am on the lookout for hidden sneaky bugs! If anything comes up while you play, please either reach out to me on Twitter OR post the problem in the bug fixing reddit here!


Map by NeoMc
YouTube | Twitter | Website
Play in Minecraft | Supports 2+ Players

Additional Credits

iWacky - Designing the main lobby and playing maps Twitter
Masteroreo77 - 3D Map Holograms and playing maps Twitter
Dennisbuilds - Playing maps and Cinematic (as used in trailer) YouTube
ItsZender - Hologram Beam models YouTube
Jayjo - Playing maps
Corey977 - Playing maps
JacobRuby - Playing maps
Team Dracolyte - Playing maps
StianMine - Playing maps



2017-06-11 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: NeoMc
(262 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12
File Size: 5.8 MB
Date Added: 2017-06-11
Downloads: 17,434
Map Category: Game Maps

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Site Stats

Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

Downloads: 123,375,378